This is in responce to Lhova. Currently at 101 GS + 5 from gear and advanced support my HQ rate is around 10%. I burnt through 2 stacks of Ifrites and only got to T2 HQ. These are difficult for me at least to create. You can't expect to level goldsmithing and HQ this all the time for that "gil where its at.
Jubehnka: I'm talking currently when this came out I had no idea what was required to make these, and when I found out this is what it looks like for a GSer on Valefor. Ifritites cost 3,000,000 a stack. with at 10% HQ rate you will be LUCKY to get 1 tear. The ring currently cost 150k to make. So 3,150,000. The NQ are going for 800k at best. 3,150,000 - 800,000 = -2,350,000. Now you can see where the HQ rate is very important. Now I've upped my HQ rate to 25% and still going in the negative with NQ.
@redenius i agree with you. People who doesn't have GS level won't understand. GS isn't cheap, i have mine as sub and it cost me a ton of gils just to get it to 70.
Lhova is right, and GSers are shafting everybody.
Rhodium ingots were going for 4K when this started, yet GSers were selling ring (2x Ingots, 8K) for 300K.
*Ites were going for 3K each, and, again, charging over 100K for a 3K in materials.
Put everything together, and a ring used to cost ~20K to make, and even NQ sold for over 1 Mil, HQ was retardedly inflated.
I don't care how low the HQ rate is, you'll more than make up for it in NQ's.
One of two things will happen, either prices will fall once people come back to their senses making GSers rich, or people who provide synth materials (as is happening now with Rhodium ingot) will say "hey, screw you, i want some of the profit too".
And don't give me that "but it took so much gil to level GS". Please, GSers have made up that gil several times over with all the synths SE has ever introduced.
I need to level GS. Seems its the real gil maker lol. The items for this synth are cheap(granted I know you have to hq3 ifrite but still) and to make 3-30m based on nq or hq ring is where its at.