Fafnir Statue

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Fafnir Statue   Rare Ex
Furnishing: An imposing statue, masterfully sculpted in the form of the fearsome wyrm Fafnir.
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Comments (3)
Ragnarok.Suhag[Report] Score: 1
Rank 5 Prize from Mob Bonanza 2009

I'd definately get it, it looks sick!

Everyone can get it too, since everyone can get 10 marbles, just have each end with 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and its a definate win of getting this item!
2009-05-16 17:37:47
Bismarck.Harbor[Report] Score: 1
Moghancement: Fire
Aura Strength: 3
Placement: Floor or on top of other furnishings
Dimensions: 1 x 2
2011-02-24 05:00:55
Seraph.Kyaaadaa[Report] Score: -3
Sit in the mog house on its feet (im a tarutaru, it can happen :x) and have sick dreams of soloing...
2009-05-31 20:17:47
Screenshots (4)