SE finally decided to make this useful. 255 is the highest Magic Accuracy skill on any weapon on any weapon, though a Lehbrailg +2 with capped augments will edge by.
The 8 tic refresh after WS is also very helpful, but not really worth giving up a Myrkr.
All in all, if you had one before, cool, you can make it into a fairly decent weapon. If you're planning on making one from scratch, consider other options.
This has Magic Damage+248 now, so it's probably useable by BLM now, whereas probably only a summoner would have even had a thought of getting this prior to the item level stats being added.
If you're a SMN that wanted a cool whacking stick, it doesn't do that anywhere near as well as it should (along with many other Relic Weapons at this point...) but this will hopefully be addressed with the reforged relic weapons.
If you unlock Myrkr via walk of echoes, this is at least better than the empyrean.
No MAB. No INT. Considering all iLv staves have these as part of their statvomit...
I have to congratulate SE on thinking of a way of making a staff with 248 Mdmg underperform pretty much all other iLv staves...
But then Relics were never meant for magery... They've always been just High-Damage-Low-Delay weapons with a unique WS and a gimmick or two.