This staff doesn't even come close to Nirvana in terms of it's usefulness to SMN. Nirvana gives your avatars +30 MAB, and the aftermath carries over to them.
Honestly it's like comparing hq staves... like Apollo's to Jupiter's they aren't used for the same thing. Also because of voidwatch and proc's constantly refilling temps this could have more of an edge which allows you to burn through more mp because of it.
Not every weapon has to be a boom stick to be effective. You could even have both because -perp for smn is hella easy to cap.
Being a career BLM, this staff is sub-par in comparison to all of the magian elemental staves I use. Myrkr is helpful in Voidwatch scenarios here and there, but other than that its become an idle piece.
Do I regret getting the staff? Not at all. I love my BLM, and having Hvergelmir is a testament to that.
This staffs aftermath does not worth with any source of magic damage
but that is not why this staff is great i play a career BLM and in and out i dont even need to cary around a resting set at all any more
in abby sea daughter and whm sub is a must with this staff i can still put out 3800 blizzard 5s and help keep the party alive without ever needing to rest.
out of abby i have been useing a haste set (max haste gear for BLM is 24%) along with the new occault occumen belt and i never run out of mp