As of July 2014, after the latest update with the ws changes (specifically the boost to Rudra's Storm), this is/should actually be the best dagger for thf if you can reliably SA/TA your weaponskills.
The Damage enhancement from SA/TA Adds +10% Damage to it.
So, Its an X's Knife (+10%Crit Damage) that only works during SA/TA and not on normal crits, and has lower base Damage and DoT.
Its an incredibly lackluster weapon and theres no current reason to upgrade it.
and all the Aftermath is useless, especially the OAT what with it only being active for a short time after you use a 300% TP Weaponskill which is highly impractical.
On top of that theres a D:31 OaT Dagger from the Magian Trials thats always active.
This weapon is not worth it, All its bonuses can already be gotten, X's Knife (10% Critical hit Damage bonus), Blau (Attack+15 and the Acc), Magian Daggers (Arthame, Dakini), etc.