HQ staffs still better dmg if dmg equation its something along the line of (dint+D)*MAB*day/weather/MB/etc*staff(if applicable)
so ignoring the things that dont change to get them to be equal dmg you can do some simple algebra you get MAB+.20=MAB*1.15. rearrange to get .15MAB=.20 or 1.33333. ie +33MAB. seeing as blm job trait gets you to 32 by itself and any MAB over that will make HQ staffs better this clearly inferior if you have more then 1 MAB in merits or gear.
Posted a pic to confirm he has it. Hes a JP player and does HNMs randomly with other pickup JPs. So I doubt he will ever have his profile updated via FFXiAH and FFXi community website. (Pic is pending approval as of this comment.)