Bind definitely does not "always" break from damage. As BLM, I've nuked plenty of mob after binding them, and while bind "usually" breaks, you can get lucky and get 2-3 nukes off of a single bind.
I just had these turn up in a 6-chance chest. I thought the "uber" items in GoV zones only dropped in higher-tier (4 or 5-chance) chests. Anyone else seen this happen?
If you're running away, I'd hardly still call the mob "your prey." Just sayin' (and funnin'). But you're right, so this:
If these H2H do have a decent proc rate like Devlzluv says, and you get yourself in a little trouble that you're probably not gonna survive through, you can always keep throwing punches in hopes of a lucky bind proc, then gtfo. But then again, monks never die, so it's a moot point after all.
In a 12 total hour parse against T-VT mobs (~50,000 rounds) Each additional effect has roughly a 1.5% proc rate. Eyeballing seems like more, but <theory> It seems that if the effect is on the mob, it will not re-proc until it wears. All 3 effects proc separately (i.e. You can proc Bind, poison, and Paralyze on the same mob at the same time). Poison and Paralyze seem to have a moderate potency, such that both are noticeable. Bind seems particularly resistant to damage. More testing required. </theory>
About bind:
"Wiki disagrees for the most part. If damage is taken the mob tends to be unbound. Personally I've yet to see someone take damage without bind being removed."
The chance of bind being removed from the target is related to your level vs. the bound target's level. Higher level mobs will likely unbind with one hit (likely, but not always), whereas easy prey and too weak will likely stay bound through a few hits. I've seen this many times doing beetle pets that link the nearby easy prey beetles.
I finally got a pair of these after spending 30+ hrs and a week plus there. Definetly not worth spending all this time for an item you can buy. If it was rare/ex, would be more fulfilling.
have these hands, they proc alot say 1/3 and the para is very nice on these, also critical alot without impetus up. Worth the time and hunting to get these if you cant get relic/mythic/magian weapons.