The whole idea of leveling a craft is to make a profit providing a service to the community. If there were no profits there would be no crafters and thus no items to purchase.
Erlking's Sword 19000 on AH
Grauberg (S) fight
damage +4 shield skill +3 accuacy +5. My point: for 19K that's a damn nice sword...and it's fun XD happy hunting!
I actually think this sword is pretty sick if you get the -4% Magic Damage taken. Pair that up with a Numinous Shield +1 and it makes a very sick combo. Great on this likes Ouryu, Khimaira. I would definetly want one of these for my paladin. ( This isn't to all the paladins out there, I take my paladin very seriously and have many different sets for my paladin! )
I have to disagree with Karbuncle, think on it logically, with even -3% MDT, this atleast allows you to still melee with sword and shield, which you cannot do with the IR Lance.
Now, in saying that, no i havent seen any crazy great augments, however there are some pretty decent ones.