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DPS: 597 DMG:23 Delay:231 Latent effect: DMG:36 Critical hit rate +6%
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Comments (9)
Siren.Ramzaxii[Report] Score: 14
Requires 500 Weapon Skill Points in order to activate the latent effect. Same with the other R/E weapons from KSNMs that have a similar effect.

1 weapon skill point for a solo WS, or opening any SC
2 points for closing a Level 1 SC (Impaction, Liquefaction, Transfixion, Detonation, Scission, Reverberation, Compression, Induration)
3 points for closing a Level 2 SC (Fusion, Fragmentation, Gravitation, Distortion)
5 points for closing a Level 3 SC (Darkness, Light)
2007-12-11 17:28:32
Fenrir.Nightfyre[Report] Score: 7
The Heart Snatcher of swords. DPS when unlocked is still a lousy 9.09 and the crit bonus does not compensate for the low DPS. Put the time you would have spent unlocking this weapon towards obtaining of of the many better swords that are easily obtained and you'll be much more satisfied.

Stacking crit rate does not increase the value of the crit+ on this weapon.
2009-10-23 04:01:22
Bahamut.Josseppi[Report] Score: 6
Aside from everything else, it looks cool as hell.
2009-04-09 11:08:14
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 2
It's a fair offhand weapon if you're maxed in crit merits and have other crit gear. The low DMG is a setback, however, and thus is inferior in any other case and should never be in the main hand. Ifrit's Blade and MCF have the same DMG, but have the advantages of STR, atk, and/or acc bonuses. Also keep in mind that the +6% CH boost will not affect your mainhand or spells.

It's worth noting that it's useful when trying to break mob weapons for learning spells (e.g. Hysteric Barrage, Spinal Cleave, etc.) for you or your group.

It's also a really cool looking weapon.
2009-05-03 00:22:04
Ragnarok.Shadowknoll[Report] Score: 1
NPCs for 3,195gil lol
2010-01-08 15:21:35
Ragnarok.Azura[Report] Score: 0
Konasca= wrong
Ramzaxii= correct
Latent break weapons are ALL weapon skill POINTS. Not simply the number of weapon skills. The rare/ex latent weapons gained from KSNMs are all 500 points, Trials weapons are 300 points. And assuming you gain floor 100 on your Runic Disc from Nyzul before burning through points on your mythic weapon, they are 250 points each. The point system is as Ramzaxii has demonstraited.
2009-02-17 18:01:13
Bahamut.Sinaskai[Report] Score: 0
Ramzaxii and Azura are both right, Konasca, where did you get your info? since you're so smart Kona, is it TH4, or TH2+1+1 ? anywayz.... enough about noobs, this is a pretty cool weapon, theres better ones but for those who arent able to get those better ones, w/e the reason may be, this is definately one you'd like to have in place of the ones you cant "have"/get
2009-03-14 10:12:00
Odin.Leey[Report] Score: -1
ifrits blade is better for a spell BLU but if you know your gonna be meleeing / buffing ppl more than your going to be using your spells this isnt bad to offhand... sure theres better offers (Perdu, Hofud) but they are also alot harder to get and if you have multiple 75s small weapons like this that dont require much are nice... ive unlocked this and with crit merits its a nice weapon and /NIN not popular with blus? do a /sea all blu 75 sometime then come back and comment smart ***.
2009-01-01 14:09:26
Asura.Starstress Show Score: -14
drops if u win the KSNM30 Double Dragonian, not bad good for blu and thf
2007-10-18 22:46:22
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