Dont underestimate these babies. Im a 75 MNK and yes i use Hades Sainti, but these things are just plain fun. Im not the best geared MNK ever, but i do have 16% haste. With the zero delay these things just really rock. Great for farming and syncing, and the lack of dmg isnt that noticable. Depending on what you fight you can make up with the shear speed.
I would consider getting something like this for pounding on the rocks in Excavation Duty assault. Other than that, these look like they're more for fun than anything else
With the addition of Abyssea and many jobs launching to 90, skills fall behind. These low delay weaps are a godsend for skilling up. I can personally attest to this, I went from MNK 30 to MNK 90 in 2 days. I haven't quiute capped skill yet, but these have made it much easier to do so.
Besides, if you wanna have an awesome swing fest, try these on with 21% gear haste, haste, haste samba, bard songs, and double attack gear/atma.
Not quite Hundred fists, but you'll spam the crap outa your weaponskills.
Complete and utter garbage. Wagh, Destroyers, and Hades will all outdo these by a great deal. Please do everyone a favor and do not use these. Lower dmg is a really big deal. It's the same as asking a drg to use the lower delay lower dmg polearms, but a great deal worse. Destroyers have 11 more dmg (HUGE) and only 49 more delay.