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Soulscourge   Rare Ex
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DPS: 984 DMG:60 Delay:366 Summoning magic skill +7 "Blood Boon"+5 Avatar: Attack+10 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+5
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Comments (6)
Ragnarok.Garota[Report] Score: 8
Depending on how you wanna look at it, this could be a great alternative to putting effort into making Magian Staves.

You could also minimize the amount of SMN staves (Specific Elemental/Magian Staves) you carry around by pairing this up with a Bahamut's Staff or a Fay Crozier with up to possible augmented Perp-3 & BP Delay-4.
2010-12-25 16:13:50
Siren.Kunimatsu[Report] Score: 4
Good for siphons and physical BP: rage.

If you're really not bothered with the pet: MAB staff trials, this is decent but doesn't come close to Shareeravadi +2, which has +12 MAB.
2011-01-26 09:30:49
Bahamut.Frostbahamut[Report] Score: 3
Accuatlly it is a very nice weapon besides trials staves. Quite usefull if you don't have time for trials. Magician weapons are far better than Soulscourge but this could work as a general weapon since you need to do one staff for each element.
2011-09-08 16:21:07
Odin.Derian[Report] Score: -1
NQ desynths into ash lumber.
2017-12-27 19:43:44
Cerberus.Zalazar[Report] Score: -8
This is the best offensive bloodpact staff in the game hands down (nirvana excluded). Alone it only boosts your damage by 0.5% (assuming bloodboon procs for 10% average)from blood boon +5 but as you get more bloodboon gear this will raise exponentially. This is of course assuming full +2 empyrean armor. (which is not terribly hard to get)
2011-01-07 11:34:15
Leviathan.Arcon Show Score: -18
Karby, you forgot the people who don't do Magian Trials out of principle :D I hate the entire retarded augment system, and will never participate in it, I much rather have normal items like these that don't require mind numbing grinding.. and considering that, this one is superb. I would use it for every BP and Elemental Siphon, and that's a lot...

I'd still wear Terra's, Apollo's and Pluto's Staff on me, but that wouldn't change with Magian Weapons either, they're just giant time and inv space sinks. And since BP delay can be capped with rather useful BP items as well, don't need em for that either. This one is pure /win.
2011-01-17 03:41:16
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