Where as I don't dispute anything really that he had said.. I rated down Edd's comment because he forgot to take into account situational use. A party or certain situation will eventually require you to use /nin and when you do a pair of Archer's Knifes are quite nice to have. No sub is the ultimate-sub-for-everything.
While pulling on corsair is a pain in the arse, we're also one of the best pullers in the game and a good pulling corsair can easily pull out chain 15+ at some camps (and I'm not talking about merits, This is exp situations like East Ron [s])
/nin also offers the ability to melee for tp better.
holy crap.
people on leviathan undercut this by 10k in under a month.
bought mine for 16k, two weeks later they were down to 8k, and now 5k.
People really need to stop undercutting...