Awesome Great Axe. This will last you into the 40's. As War/Thf I've tanked/DD's with it and loved the damage output. It's cheap and a must for Great Axe users. Even out-performs the Moth Axe at 39
Probably the Absolute Best axe for at least 5 Levels, possibly 6 or 7 Depending on what you like in a Great Axe. The Attack, DMG, and Delay are well beyond the Greataxes in the level range.
Awesome great axe at its level, but be advised this doesn't sync down well. Hit way weaker than normal lowbie great axes when level synced below its level.
Thandar, maybe you didn't notice that the Karbuncle's coment is dated on 2008, one year before, surely this g.axe drop him price a lot since he posted.