Don't pay hundreds of thousands of gil for these! Not only should the price drop dramatically in the future, but...
With the Heroes of Abyssea expansion, you can get them for free (with augments!) in Abyssea-Grauberg from Gold Sturdy Pyxis, or buy them for 2500 Dominion Notes with random augments (per wiki, as listed at the time of this posting) such as:
DMG +4~12
STR +3~8
Resist Slow +3~6
Gale Axe DMG +10~40%
Wind element +3~7
Ice element -3~7
If you don't get the augments you want, buy another with 2500 Dominion Notes and NPC the fail axe for over 7000 gil. Either way you end up with a great axe without losing a large chunk of gil.
With max fame NPC’s for 7,081 each. It should be noted if buying these with Dominion Notes to NPC for gil that the Polearm Guisarme from Abyssea-Altepa and the Great Katana Yukitsuga from Abyssea-Grauberg sells for the most tied at 7,152 each with max fame.