If you are a DRG without Homam, these are great TPing pants. In addition, if you are a drg without Heca subligar or Ares pants these are also great penta thrust pants!
These are also good for Drakesbane. Yes, STR is a huge modifier for Drakesbane but DEX is a mod for critical hits, which just happens to be what this WS is based on :).
In a nutshell: For how relatively "easy" it is to get these they are good until you can get the relatively "hard" better gear. I've been sporting Ryl Knts breeches on my samurai for a few years now. Been cheated out of Byakko's twice. Now I'm in a nysul isle static and I'll have these until i finally do get my Byakko's.
That being said they are good in that situation. Gear is gear. You can either go for what others tell you is the best. or gear yourself to how you want to play. Personally I'll pimp these until byakko's for samurai. My ideal sam setup:
Hagun + Pole Grip
Lightning Bow+1
Myochin Kabuto/ Askar head
Chiv Chain
(brutal earring),(Bushinomi)
Askar Body
Saotome Hands / o'kote / (askar)
Amemet Mantle+1, Potent Belt
(Askar Dirs) / (byakko haidate)
Askar feet
And I'm a meat muncher
(item name) = items i don't have yet
Thats just how I want to play. At least until I can get better gear.
almost all peices are prime pieces for drg, almost as if SE wants to forgive the faithful to the job with these equips, sadly every other job wants it so drg still gets shafted, but given that glimor of hope...