Mars's Ring

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Mars's Ring   Rare
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Accuracy+8 Attack+8 Evasion-8 DEF-8
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Asura.Shuanyue PM2,000,0001about 2 hours ago
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Comments (14)
Shiva.Ravencroft[Report] Score: 93
Only Obtained by defeating Absolute Virtue by trading a sin of Insolence to the NPC that takes care of in the name of Science.
2008-01-23 13:27:44
Asura.Shamaya[Report] Score: 27
@Leey and those with similar opinions.

There are already some people with relics, speed belts, cerberus mantle +1's, multiple well geared 75, and more money than they know what to do with. You're speaking from a different perspective. Personally I'd rather see 50m of mine going to use rather than sitting around collecting dust.
2009-01-20 12:38:15
Ragnarok.Entourage[Report] Score: 16
No amount of gil is wasted if you get use out of an item for 2 years or so. So it dropped to 5% of its old price, in that time I'm sure somebody that bought the ring for 50m has already made another 300m+ or quit the game. Gil is unnecessary once you reach a certain point.
2011-08-30 20:44:53
Diabolos.Buttercakes[Report] Score: 11
@Leey also... If you have 50M you can spend it on whatever you want. If you are crying about people spending their money it sounds like you don't have enough. Make more gil IMO then when you have 50M you can do whatever you like with it.
2009-01-20 19:53:53
Asura.Zenne[Report] Score: 1
Purchased for 300,000 gil from a bazaar. Pretty cheap for a piece of history and BiS 75 gear :)
2023-11-14 20:57:49
Bismarck.Hsieh[Report] Score: 1
@Leeey Too bad it took two years of lvl increases to finally make killable by everyone. Has nothing to with karma. Supply and demand changes. For example the price of a PC with certain specs. The items in this game are suspectible to depreciation over time rather spike growths. It's a still good ring to have.
2012-07-11 12:01:55
Phoenix.Terasa[Report] Score: 1
Got a Mars's Ring today from the Goblin in Lower Jeuno by trading him my Special Gobbiedial Key
2014-11-11 08:08:08
Caitsith.Kavien[Report] Score: 0
Best Ring for TP and Also can be used for WS. Whoever can afford this, you should buy it since AV wont be gimped anymore so will be almost imposible to get.
To listen to ignorant people. If you are maxed out and have gil getting dust, spend it, its your gil and you worked it.
2009-05-17 20:25:45
Cerberus.Thejoe Show Score: -18
"In due time" doesnt account for anything appearantly stanflame, its been a year since your comment was posted and i still have only seen 1 of these and i Bellona's ring in my time of playing. Mar's was owned by an Apoc Drk, and Bellona was owned by my friend wolfsoul on sylph who was a Yoichi user. they obviously had the gil to afford them and not care and personally i feel the same as Shamaya, if i had all the expensive stuff i wanted and had the gil would i go for this ring? yes... yes i would.
2010-02-23 22:03:59
Lakshmi.Konvict Show Score: -23
Rajas/Epona is the best ring combo to TP in at the 95 cap. But only certain jobs can use epona. Rajas/Mars would be best for DRK SAM PLD WAR and DRG.
2011-10-17 10:27:37
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