for just 300 easy payments of 50hp YOU can be the proud owner of 300% tp! (totaling 15,000 HP over 9 minutes)
-- just a fun fact because i was bored.
but in all seriousness this torque can really come in handy... like Eanae said, useful for waking yourself up or for tanks to cure bomb themselves... or i guess possibly to activate certain, other latent effects that are triggered by X% of HP
your forgetting the fact once you use poison they are gone, this lasts for ever, meaning if your doing a lot of AoE sleep mobs this will eventually be cheaper, not to mention you can always sell it back.... also poison pots may run out just before a sleep, this will alyways work as long as you remember
Make no mistakes, this thing is super useful beyond imaginations. Macro it in the /panic /equipset and it's gonna save you, and possibly your teammates, for countless situations. The only downside is that it's not "All Jobs".
This is one of those things that you'll never sell it back, dump inside the safe/storage, or DB to the mules.