This BCNM is easily duod by a nin and whm if done correct, can throw in rdm or brd for refreshing the whm, or another DD to make it go faster. but all you really need is nin and whm, im 8/10 on Penitent's Rope for this one. 1 of 2 belts always drops, either this one or the Gleeman's Belt.
Also great for rdm, and preety much anything that can use it save for brd and idk much about blu so I wont comment.
But 5mnd and 5int are some of the highest stats a rdm can get there, and its 1 piece with emn. Carry a hierarch belt for initial mp, switch to this when that mp is gone or you need potency. ^^
The 75% or less HP is not based on your HP without gear, meaning the HP-20 on this won't do anything for your Sorc. Ring latent unless your replace it with a different waist item without HP-. It just makes it easier to get yellow HP because your Max HP is lower, thus needing fewer HP- or convert HP>MP swap pieces (but not much).
I used an Ocean Rope for a while as Hume BLM (MP+45 INT+4). While the extra MP is nice, I'm whoring INT in slots where I can't stick MAB. Also, this belt is much better for players with multiple mage jobs leveled.
This is not just a great piece for blm but scholar aswell. Once scholar hits 71 though, you want to replace this with the elemental obis (assuming you have sea access)