Ochimusha kote seem to have just as horrible of a drop rate as ochiudo kote originally had - maybe even worse. I have seen very few people who are lucky enough to have them drop. Mee Deggi the Punisher seems to be camped by anywhere from 1~10 people, which seems a bit random but there is definitely a competition increase during the weekends. If you can get ahold of these they are very nice DD gear for all three listed jobs. I would not consider them a "required" item.
Yes you are right but regaurdless you have to thank Se for finally doing something.
It is EX so eventually if someone claims it and they get drop they are gone, and you have less to worry about, everyone has a shot at ex nms. SE has regretted having to ex gear because of rmt :/, but there was no choice. Adjust and have patience.
Oh how I loath you Mee Deggi the Punisher ><. I camped this guy for 13 hours straight, taking a break for an hour after killing him, and claimed him 8 times in a row. 1/8! (I stayed for an extra pop for a bud of mine, no drop)
Anyway, I did notice that 2/8 repops were an hour and twenty minutes and the rest all were exactly one hour and 45 minutes. I actually timed it. Just kill the Drummers and Interrogators as they pop and keep time for 12min. You will know when Mee Deggi is close to spawing. ^^ Be patient and don't give up!
Great for Blade: Jin Macro - im going to say manditory for near endgame SAM and MNK because nothing is as good as +20 atk unless you got AF+1 ect. 1/13 just go on weekdays in the morning and kill the zone - if it dosent pop leave and repeat make it a habbit to check on this NM randomly and you will get it or it will be uncamped.
got mine 1/6 and sarutobi kyahan 1/6. the best and only way i found to camp Mee Deggi is to pop up widescan and kill the PH. The PH is the Yagudo Interrogator/Yagudo Drummer that appears under the cutters, Herald, and Oracle, but before the Zealot. Killing the PH every 12 minutes and watching for Mee Deggi is the best way to camp. Camp Kyahan the same way but the PH is Herald/Oracle. Good luck!! :P
The drop rate on these is about 5%~10% according to ffxiclopedia.org. Either you get this, or you get impact knuckles. Definetly worth camping these and boots. PH are the opposite type of yagudos of the ones on the platform. Average on these, should be around 1/19~1/20. Good luck, and happy camping.
Best time imo to go camp it is Weekends at JP daytime/GMT midnight, 8 claims later and he finally drops!
1/8, his drop rate is completely random, most of the time you will get knuckles (94% of the time or every 16/17) or you get the kote (6% of the time or every 1/17), luckily for me i was a little bit lucky and got on my 8th claim.
You may miss an opportunity. if theres no-one around when you visit the area, if you find no-one in sight, you should at least kill the 5 PH's and wait for 12 minutes for a spawn.
When the Nm eventually does spawn, i recommend either noting down the DoT or time it with your 2hr after defeating or seeing a defeat of them and time 1 hour with the timer, then begin killing PH's again.
To conclude, i disagree greatly about this "theory" going around about the NM using its 2hr affecting the drop of kote... when he dropped for me he used Hundred Fists so i say this theory is incorrect.
Got up early 7:30am today 14/01/09 (GMT Time), considering not alot of people were on i decided to go kill some NM's before i had to leave for my Job Interview, anyways, i will have you know that i was 0/13 on this guy till i gave up (camped everytime on THF), went to CO just to see if he was up, got there, no one here... walk into the room, and there he is, standing in the water, (SMN75/RNG37).... thinking to myself... this is too easy...get carby to attack him... killed him.... 1/14... i think i was speechless... i dont remember jumping just thinking wow....
So if you dont want them, you will get them apparantly.
My advice would be, dont go as THF, and dont get your hopes up, just makes it 100 times worse.