Lib. Abjuration

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Lib. Abjuration   Ex
The inscription reads: "In accordance with the ancient pact, may the bane be lifted from thy forbidden draught." Necessary in purifying the cursed beverage.
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Vendor Prices
Name Zone Price
Dabih Jajalioh Ru'Lude Gardens 250000 gil
Comments (1)
Unicorn.Nonamegod[Report] Score: 0
Use to Un-curse "Cursed Beverage"
and make

[Amrita ]

Food Effects: (5 minutes, All Races)
Regen Effect +5
5 HP per 3 seconds
Refresh Effect +5
5 MP per 3 seconds

(link for cursed beverage)
2009-10-23 01:01:37
Screenshots (1)