Obtained from Abyssea areas by spending Cruor at Cruor Prospector at the start of the zone. May not be better than Ocelot Trousers, but I'd put money on them being easier to obtain.
With the frequency at which you can farm Cruor for these, I'd expect the price to plummet to <100k in the next few weeks.
Some people are taking their time to level to 80. The people paying upwards of a million for these are just the people that need level 80 asap and need the new gear NOW.
Warms the heart to already see people shamelessly selling it back and forth between each other to set the price!
Honestly, just farm the cruor... I was able to solo/duo 1.2k cruor in my first 1.5 hours in the zone. A good set up could get 1k cruor per traverser stone I'd bet. If 2~ hours of Abyssea with a small group isn't worth your time (or you didn't buy the add-on) then at least be careful not to fall prey to price gougers.
Just for people thinking cruor is easy, it's not. It's stupid easy. My very first run I walked out with over 25k cruor. Don't buy it, it's just that simple. Unless you're saving for that Primeval Brew...