Lottery spawn from the Spelunking Sabotender in the room at F-7. To get to this room, you need to pass through a door with a weight operated switch. (3 Taru, 2 Hume/Mithra/Elvaan, or 1 Galka are need).
Located at: Enter Quicksand Caves from Western Altepa Desert at G-5; found in the room at F-7 on that map.
Killable by: 10 characters level 70, 6 good characters level 75. See the talk page for additional strategies.
Drops around 18,000 gil
Special Attacks: 1000 Needles, Photosynthesis(Used only during the daytime.); Uses 2 TP moves whenever it gets TP after 40%, and 3 after 20%. Recommended to have as many NPCs/summons/pets out as possible, because it does not know Needleshot and as a result will use 1000 Needles 100% of the time at night, and roughly 50% during the day.
Uses Kick Attacks that are significantly stronger than its standard hits, indicative of the hidden property of its primary drop