Perhaps some of you people need to figure out how to calculate accuracy. With all the options in game for ws build you can still cap your accuracy while using this for multihits. With the xtra attack mod for steel cyclone, spinning slash, ground strike the 30 atk doesn't make a HUGE difference... although still trumps everything except Plurpleburk. This body is better for multihits with an exceptional acc build around it.
A lot of people don't seem to understand that with the advent of Marinara Pizza you can easily use a body that doesn't have acc. E.body or even Noct Body are nice but with the additional 40~ or so acc you'll get from pizza you should be capped on almost everything giving you the option to gear for more att/str/haste/etc. It's not to say that you can't build around e.body but it's just not nearly as spectacular as it was people just will always have a massive hard on for king gear.
For everyone saying you need duo for this and that it "cannot be soloed", its very hard to make by yourself but it absolutely can be done. Every one of these I've made, I've made alone. Certainly not easy though.
wow... this is currently a million + half synth on Bahamut. if you can i would say go for it. very few peices can break this atm, but that could change as we get closer to new lvl caps.
Replaced by the new Karieyh Haubert in Seekers Of Adoulin... Unfortunately the new piece has hidden effect: Look at me! I bought the new expansion and I've been busy knocking down trees!
I retract my previous statement that was made right at the level 80 cap. At level 90 this is a great body piece for TP gain and even weaponskills. Any critical hit weaponskill with berserk or stalwarts up Zahak's Mail [Just PM me if you want to see math from the WAR forum] should win. for non crits this is basically your best choice. Also a really nice PDT piece as well.
Of course when your missing Stalwarts/Berserk or if Mighty Strikes is up this is ideal.
Definitely not easy to make, will always take at least 2 people, impossible to make alone. I helped a friend and had to keep Cyclical smarts up as much as possible. recommend using it if you have access to it.