As said by Zeblue, these quests involve a lot of running around.
The 4 Quadav NM's in Beadeaux are easily soloable by 75RDM/37BLM utilizing sleepga at the start of the fight and killilng off the staff holding mages (Magnes Quadav) first as thier HP is around 1200 each vs. the (Nickel Quadav) PLD type mobs which have around 2500 hp. It's important to clear the area of Quadavs first as links are possible. Total fight took about 7 minutes(extrmely weak to sleep) some patience and skill required. Only had to convert once on last NM and Chainspelled Thunder III'd him with 4 nukes. Goodluck :)
For a link to the wiki Quest page use this link:
Quest Soloed by 62DNC/31NIN. Gathered TP while clearing mobs before fight, used level 42 NPC~ Fierce attacker. Not very hard at all, no 2hr used. Mages first then PLDs.
Easily soloed as Rdm/blm... just put up stoneskin and phalanx before the fight... wear a sheild, I used a Tariqah, and melee the Quadav. No need for sleepga or anything, just hit them to death.
I duoed this as a 61 PLD/WAR with a 61 BLM/WHM using Sleepga 2 and a few Yagudo Drinks just in case MP gets a little low. Pretty easy if you keep the rest of them slept and take out the Magnes first.