- Put on your nuking gear and remove any items that say "Convert HP to MP" or "Convert MP to HP" such as Zenith Mitt's, etc. Leave "-HP and +HP" items you may have on, such as Penitent's Rope.
- Check your Max HP like this. Mine currently is 795 as taru BLM/RDM.
- Find a calculator or pen/paper and do the math:
(Current Max HP) * 0.76 = Lantent HP
- My latent activates at 604.5 HP, round it down to 604.
604 is my latent max WITH Zenith Mitt's as they are "convert HP to MP" and do not effect your max hp.
There is a difference between HP- gear and HP-MP convert gear. Convert gear does not effect you base HP. While -+ gear does. Full Zenith Gear plus a Serket Ring and u can have ur HP full, while still putting out punishing nukes. I would suggest not buying or using this ring til u have gear to make this Latent Effect Triger. Please check this discussion board for better details than i can fit in this box. http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Talk:Sorcerer%27s_Ring
It is very possible to solo this fight to obtain this drop on Treasure and Tribulations. Sub /nin and bring a warp scroll in case you guess wrong. As far as the horrid drop rate you're on your own.
people more and more still dont realize that you need your hp conversion macro's because the mab is based off hp pre cruor buffs. So, you still have to put on your conversion macro then wipe your hp cruor buff if you even put it on. As, no matter the abyssites you have, when you wipe your hp buff you are back to base 100% hp pre hp buff. If ur not willing to do that, you have a 500k+ 'do-nothing-trophy ring' in aby.
For those who haven't figured out how abyssea made this ring drop in price. All hp/mp latent items are triggered by base stats before cruor buffs and atma. So you need to cancel your hp boost while in your -hp set to trigger them. Which for a taru means walking around with 650 hp.