Just got Cure Potency +5%, Cure Spellcasting -8% and some mp for augments on this (thank you Lobbi ^^)
I don't think I could ask for better augments. Cure potency is very nice for casual solo on rdm using a sword and also I idle in this and Owleyes on whm and blm and the cure spellcasting time will kick in since I swap to staff after casting begins.
Shamshir +1 with -PDT and Genbu's Shield = sex. In future updates dual wielding Shamshir +1's will probably be a better combo, however with Genbu's Shield you also get 24 DEF.
Combine Genbu's Shield with Synergy to add Cure Pot+5% / cure Spellcasting -8% / MP+20 and a Tefnut wand for those WHM's that like to melee, though situational.