Empyrean footwear may now be exchanged with a new NPC named Lame Deer in Abyssea – Misareaux (K-7).
Adventurers may exchange three pairs of empyrean footwear with him for one of their choice.
Possible footwear to exchange and receive:
Ravager's Calligae / Tantra Gaiters / Orison Duckbills / Goetia Sabots / Estoqueur's Houseaux / Raider's Poulaines / Creed Sabatons / Bale Sollerets / Ferine Ocreae / Aoidos' Cothurnes / Sylvan Bottillons / Unkai Sune-Ate / Iga Kyahan / Lancer's Schynbalds / Caller's Pigaches / Mavi Basmak / Navarch's Bottes / Cirque Scarpe / Charis Toeshoes / Savant's Loafers
* Adventurers may not exchange more than three pairs at a time.
* Adventurers may not receive the same pair of footwear that they exchanged.
* Footwear traded in will be returned if the adventurer cancels the exchange.
* Disconnecting or logging out during the exchange will not jeopardize an adventurer's items as long as he does not change areas.