Mekira Toshugai

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Mekira Toshugai  
[Body] All Races
DEF:68 VIT+15 Physical damage taken -7% Converts 1% of physical damage taken to TP Set: Haste+8%
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Stock 1
Rate Very Slow (0.058 sold/day)
Median 50,000
List Characters: [Owned] [Equipped]
Max 200,000
Min 19,000
Average 56,780
Last 150,000
Price History
8 Days Ago150,000
12 Days Ago150,000
12 Days Ago100,000
13 Days Ago60,000
GilPrice History11/11/86/107/3012/250k50k100k150k200k250kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Jan. 1, 2025KakaratyaZansets150,000
Dec. 28, 2024OrefinePapavoodoo150,000
Dec. 28, 2024GacktyPapavoodoo100,000
Dec. 27, 2024LeotigereyesKakaratya60,000
Dec. 25, 2024KazeiusLeotigereyes60,000
Dec. 11, 2024OraineCeruquez200,000
Nov. 27, 2024BaikensuShopvac100,000
Nov. 2, 2024XevothreeAamateras100,000
Sep. 30, 2024ErwinsMinaras100,000
Jul. 30, 2024VanilleyIamanelf100,000
Comments (6)
Asura.Reyo[Report] Score: 19
Synergy: Adept
Smithing: Adept
Leathercraft: Novice
Goldsmithing: Recruit

x1: Durium Sheet
x2: Durium Chain
x1: Hydra Scale
x1: Scintillant Ingot
x1: Thunder Gem
x1: Osseus Plate
x1: Kaggen's Cuticle
2011-09-27 19:15:48
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: 15
because only paladin benefits from this body right Ncspade?
2011-10-04 09:50:16
Leviathan.Rihoko[Report] Score: 8
Please craft this as well. Not everyone can reach Meikogai.
2012-01-06 06:38:15
Bismarck.Cloudxi[Report] Score: 7
my guess about the tp rounding isnt really a guess, tp is always figured to the .1 of a tp. also when hitting, its truncated to the 10th of a tp. so if u got hit for 100. u would get 1.4% tp. and 50 damage would be .7tp. if you looked low enough though it would be truncated though. so 10 damage would only be .1 tp, not .14 tp
2011-10-12 23:16:39
Ragnarok.Terazuma[Report] Score: 1
Anyone know if the conversion rounds up or down? i.e. taking 100 = 1, but what about 99 and below?
2011-10-05 18:38:53
Sylph.Ncspade Show Score: -137
Considering Creed Cuirass +2 midigates 10% of all dmg when hate is capped, this body is pretty useless
2011-10-03 21:07:22
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