Estq. Earring

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Estq. Earring   Rare Ex
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Magic Accuracy+3 Enhances "Fast Cast" effect
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Comments (5)
Fairy.Prometheus[Report] Score: 6
No capping fast cast is relatively easy, but ...

The real benefit here is using this to reach the fast cast max without using the af1 hat allowing you to get both the max fast cast and the additional cast time reduction on the AF3 hat for enfeebling magic making those critical spells hit that much faster.
2011-01-30 08:53:48
Titan.Darkestknight[Report] Score: 3
Fast Cast appears to be the same as Loquacious Earring - 2% casting, 1% recast.
2010-12-16 09:18:49
Unicorn.Fiarlia[Report] Score: -7
Not sure why people are drooling over the idea of this + Loquac. Earring.

With the new job traits, a RDM can cap Fast Cast with the Warlock's Chapeau and Duelist's Tabard.

Now, on statless spells, like Utsusemi, Refresh and the like, the Fast Cast added into the recast timer may be more worthwhile, but that's only if you're not already at the recast reduction cap as well.

This earring would be better used for the Magic Accuracy, and really, these days most RDM's worth a lick will have capped magic accuracy already.

I don't view this as much more than a novelty item, to be completely honest, or Town gear.
2010-12-30 11:58:05
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: -7
It's... really not terribly sexy when you can already easily cap casting time, and MACC usually isn't much of an issue.
2011-01-02 02:57:28
Leviathan.Jackieolivas Show Score: -18
If this had come out years ago before they raised the level cap and before I retired RDM, it would have given me something to strive for and continue playing it. This is one of the sexiest accessories RDM can use.
2010-12-07 18:53:04
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