Assuming this is a -20 delay enhances effect as per usual the bonus , this is probably hands down the best piece for tping in on PUP. Yes Faith torque may increase your base damage by 1 depending on your merits, but think of it this way, If you had a neck piece, that said +5% haste( but the haste didn't count against the 25% haste cap) and not only that has acc +5 on it...... sorry for that pause, I had to go fap. Nuff said.
@Rekial I also think that's the best neck piece for tp but comparing -daley to haste is just bad. Haste let you hit faster with same tp gain when with -daley you attack faster but you also got less tp per hit.
I'm seeing a lot of conflicting reports on the strength of the Martial Arts enhancement, does anyone know for sure if its -20 delay? or the exact value?