For healing breath, this provides a .111 multiplier (1/6th the effect of wyrm armet) which is added to the wyrm/saurian multiplier. (.778 with wyrm, .6885 with saurian) Not quite healing breath 5, it beats Chanoix gorget by 9-12~ points, except under the effect of deep breathing. Then it falls behind 1-2~ points.
Hopefully this does indeed give us 'Cure V' like how Wyrm Armet gives us 'Cure IV'. This is gunna make DRG/mage even stronger than it already is if that is the case!
Duo'd Chasmic hornet with Mnk/nin and rdm/nin, During hundred fists we kited it around a stone wall. Only lasts for about 10 seconds. At 10% need to dot kite until about 5% then throw a few nukes on it, so he does not use terminal sting.