Echo Cape

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Echo Cape   Rare Ex
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DEF:7 Wind instrument skill +3
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Comments (8)
Cerberus.Sidical[Report] Score: 5
Great back piece until you can get Astute Cape. Use this when you sing march and other buffs. Jesters +1 should be worn when singing debuffs. Like most gear options in the game, they are situaltional.
2009-11-17 21:57:26
Odin.Bigeasy[Report] Score: 2
if you are soloing this NM bring echo drops or you will be in trouble lol
2009-11-30 21:51:06
Carbuncle.Zanno[Report] Score: 0
Drop rate is a ***. I'm 1/14 on this cape. With TH4
2010-04-17 04:24:38
Valefor.Anethesia[Report] Score: -2
To Helixx: Astute Cape is an incredibly difficult cape to attain, and for those with no desire with Sea should opt this for macroing in buffs.

As Sidical said, this is only situational when you're singing buffs, Use Jester's +1 to sing debuffs.
2009-12-22 10:39:41
Titan.Kicku[Report] Score: -3
The drop rate on this cape is total BS! Eeven with TH4 0/22
2009-11-20 11:18:15
Carbuncle.Khardis[Report] Score: -6
I don't have astute cape and using Echo Cape but still i don't know if its good or not...
2009-11-16 14:35:29
Odin.Joeofalltrades[Report] Score: -7
wow a back piece with skill on it??! does this finally mean we can reach the march cap? no never without g-horn.
2009-11-10 13:54:20
Seraph.Helixx[Report] Score: -8
Singing +5 > wind +3 anytime, Astute cape still beats this in all situations. Otherwise stick with Jesters+1. 10CHR > 3wind for debuffing, and once you have astute you will need no other back piece for bard.
2009-11-13 05:30:02
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