Pair with Auto-Repair kits and light manuvers for some amazing regen on your auto, this piece is better then it seems. + the Extra STR mods never hurt, we don't have many good hats to begin with for "Stop giving the damn thing TP" situations
If you are ever punching anything in this hat, you are gimp. Period. Well, every armor set has to have its weakest link - and at least all of the other Pantin pieces are quite useful.
Soooo many better options for head: Turban, O.Hat, Anwig, Enkidu's, Usukane, Pahluwan, Cobra, Voyager Sallet, Fancy Specs/Vampire Mask (day/night).
Idle only piece for the regen, and even then it's arguably not worth the hassle at 1hp/tick. If you're relying on 20hp/minute regen, you're doing something wrong to begin with.
Most useful feature: Needed to store the set with NPCs.