Theurgia Clogs

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Theurgia Clogs   Rare Ex
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DEF:19 VIT-6 AGI-6 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+4
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Comments (4)
Diabolos.Khaos[Report] Score: 6
I just got these this morning. Drops from tier2 VNM (Depths Digester) in Abyssea: Konschtat Highlands. Mob is a Empty type and has very fast Fast Cast. Killed with 4 well geared BST using Nazuna pets and reward.
2010-08-09 03:08:19
Caitsith.Visper[Report] Score: 4
Actually these would be marginally better than Yigit Crackows as long as your dint isn't to bad.

Yigit Crackows: 2 MAB + 3 int = 3.5 mab~

Theurgia clogs: 4 MAB

So I would think these would be fine on low resist mobs, mobs where the int difference is fine etc, but for High level NM's etc I would stick to Yigit.

Or you could just get you self a set of Augur's Gaiters and full time it :P.

@Enternius - Your wrong, int is a flat number when it comes to magic attack and MAB is a percentage, so no I'm not wrong... good try tho.

Int overall is good because it helps cover a broader spectrum like skill, attack etc. but for raw numbers MAB will trump int any day on low resist mobs, go check your numbers.

Also if you looked at my original statement I added ~ which means estimated, and that would be on the High end because we all know int doesn't convert 2-1 for MAB...
2010-08-18 09:27:02
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: 4
With higher amounts of MAB would actually be pretty similar in dmg to yigit
2010-08-12 04:54:30
Siren.Enternius Show Score: -13
Visper, you're wrong. 1 MAB isn't just 2 INT. Magic is more complex than that.

As far as BLM goes, these would likely be a bit WORSE than Yigit feet. For SCH, these would be a tiny bit better than Yigit, and for RDM, as already stated, Relic feet have MAB+4 and MP added on top of it.
2010-08-12 17:06:59
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