Are you kidding? This is by far, the best convert piece in the game. It's not like you immediately switch to nuking gear right after you convert. You actually have to cure yourself first, and that's where the extra 100MP goes, unless you are using a macro and it switches you out of the Pluviale.
@Aeyela dosent triggering the !! /w magic improve seal drop rate? try triggering a !! with a random Physical Weaponskill. I think that is the one needed to improve gear drop rate.
If you can manage go for Blue !! bring your entire ls and hope it drops on !!. I have spent the last 3 weeks and about 30 stones worth of time killing this and I finally got. 1/27 on Pluvaile..drop is awful but hang in there it's worth it.
Duo/Trio'd most of the time..once you get the hang of the fight its super quick and pain free. 3 Rdm is overkill..BRING person for TH4 + Atma.
I'd have to agree with what a couple of people are saying, that hp/mp is going to go to waste unless you full-time that body piece, yea sure the ref/reg is really nice along with an extra 100 hp/mp, but do you really think the only thing you'll use is just this body piece? If so, i have news for that poor soul.