Confirmed drop from the new Shadow Lord BCNM / Campaign OP in the past.
Fiat Lux. Unlocked when allied nations own every northland beastmen zone (excluding the Throne Room), and the player has the highest campaign rank possible (Medal of Atlana). Any nation can accept the Campaign OP.
WILL more than likely come from the obvious shadow lord in the past. Throne room fight award along with the Nocturnus Helm and Nightfall (may be other rewards).
This will easily beat osode for jobs such as SAM to weapon skill in especially for penta thrust.
I would never say this beats armada or adman hauberk but can at least come decently close enough.
The helmet is more worth it for PLD seeing as it Occasionally absorbs physical damage taken but this wouldn't hurt either.
All-in-all an amazing piece all around. Let's just hope it's not too hard to get ._. but yeah good luck with that.
50% STR MOD, 4 Hit WS. DEX and ACC will help land and make hits Critical.
If triple attack activated during Drakesbane, triple attack will activate on the first hit of the ws.
VIT is a mod of Jump.
STR affets Jump DMG.
DEX and ACC help make contact and make jumps a Critical hit.
Triple attack affects jumps.
Don't "Just ignore" the Ops, Fiat Lux. It's an integral part of also unlocking the consolation prize for the shitty Drop rate on Nocturnus Armor, the Allied Ring.
For the jobs that can equip Adaberk, 15 attack and 3 acc will probably beat 1% triple. It demolishes Osode for everyone but RNG though. (I don't have an Adaberk job btw so I'm not trying to cling to it)
Notice that the armor occasionally ABSORBS damage. It does not annull it as the Shadow Ring and Shadow Mantle say. Here's to hoping that means what we all hope it does. ( o.o)b