Commodore Frac

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Commodore Frac   Rare Ex
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DEF:45 STR+3 Accuracy+8 Ranged Attack+8 Enhances "Random Deal" effect
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Comments (8)
Midgardsormr.Suteru[Report] Score: 10
Random Deal enhancement has a small chance of resetting two abilities instead of one.

Also good for COR if you don't have Denali.
2008-10-05 20:18:40
Ragnarok.Whitehawkx[Report] Score: 8
Who cares if it's good or not. It's sexy, period. Great for running around town and afk'ing in.
2010-02-09 03:09:42
Unicorn.Nitsuj[Report] Score: 5
I believe Shuichi means that Denali Jacket is better for *shooting* for TP. If you're a Joyeuse or M Kris COR this is a nice piece. A few others will give you a bit more Acc but this can get the job done.
2008-12-09 12:45:33
Remora.Ravichos[Report] Score: 3
This is not, as Dubont or Nitsuj suggest, a good piece for Corsairs to ever use outside of macroing it in for Random Deal. Any other purpose it may serve is better done by other relatively easily obtainable pieces. Corsair has a torrid time getting a decent ranged accuracy stat; boosting your ranged attack does nothing if the hit doesn't land. This is bad enough without you using a 600 delay weapon. I would suggest shooting in at least Pahluwan Khazagand for +10 Racc, or if you absoultely insist on doing slightly higher damage , you should be getting a Denali body. If you can get items to drop from Dynamis-Beaucedine, you can get to floor 80 of Nyzul Isle. If you want ACC and ATK, get the AF+1 body. For Joyeuse and Mkris, once again, Pahluwan Khazagand gives more accuracy, and +3 STR isn't helping your Kris swings. WS should only ever be performed in Denali Jacket or better. Macro this in for Random Deal, wear it in town and never touch it besides that.
2009-08-01 08:54:37
Bahamut.Leonelf[Report] Score: 1
Either THIS, or Pahluwan body to melee TP in.
If you have this and don't wanna waste 20 days repeating the same boring assault for Pahluwan, just use this, 2 more acc are just not worth it.
And yes, WS in Denali Jacket.
2009-09-11 05:08:45
Quetzalcoatl.Shuichi[Report] Score: -1
Good (but not great) body for COR. Denali Jacket is still better for Quick Draw/TPing/Weapon skill because of the AGI+10. I'd use this body only for Random Deal.
2008-09-26 08:33:28
Ragnarok.Kedar[Report] Score: -2
Hey Ravichos, stfu i use this to melee for tp and i hit fine and my ranged hits fine to idk why you keep suggesting that ugly piece of ***but its not all great plus this is ALOT easier to get than pahluwan khazagand. not everyone is like you and spams the same assault over and over again.
2010-03-02 14:07:43
Remora.Dubont[Report] Score: -8
and Cor that just shoots and uses its support abilities is not getting the most out of the job. This is a great piece for any Cor willing to test the jobs limits and abilities.
2008-12-17 12:05:00
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