@Erikthecleric's comment about the hands not being suitable for TP: Bullwhip 7%, Veloce Zuchetto 6%, These, 7%, and Ravager's Calligae 5% makes 25% requiring a Blitz Ring to finish off for true haste cap. This means you can TP in hands to receive a higher Set Proc rate, as well as full timing the Restraint bonus on hands to increase damage output by quite a large number (Considering WAR Crits inside abyssea already do 500~700dmg, a double attack set proc crit would be doing over 1k) and to my knowledge the bonus to restraint is quite sizable too. There are also other builds that allow certain X hits while using Goading Belt and Zelus Tiara while still being able to TP in AF3+2 hands.
I have had a lot of WARs tell me that Byakkos Hiadattes would be better still than these. Before you rate me down remember that 15 DEX is a lot! That being said you can't ignore that you get 2 more Haste from these as well as 5% DA, and even more DA if you have the full set. With all the facts in your face I have to strongly lean towards these over BH to settle that argument. Full AF3+2 for WAR does not disappoint.