Hyaline Hat

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Hyaline Hat   Rare Ex
[Head] All Races
DEF:37 INT+15 MND+15 CHR+15 Magic Accuracy+10 Enhances "Fast Cast" effect Enmity-6
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Comments (9)
Quetzalcoatl.Dreamingheart[Report] Score: 13
10% Fast cast. Same as Warlock's Chapeau.
2012-04-18 22:40:18
Quetzalcoatl.Tyrantsyn[Report] Score: 4
@ Nausi lol enfeebling, oh made myself sad.
2012-07-12 09:15:09
Ragnarok.Nausi[Report] Score: 3
Nuker's were looking for a Dorje, and instead got an Alkalurops. Best hat for enfeebs, baring Duelist's Chap +2 when it's needed.
2012-05-13 22:18:02
Cerberus.Anneliese[Report] Score: 0
its pretty o.o
2012-03-26 22:12:31
Phoenix.Methylated[Report] Score: 0

Plus the +15 on MND INT and CHR that contributes to the MACC and potency anyway. Plus fast cast like RDM AF head. For every job listed. Plus -enmity. I'm sorry am I missing something here? this looks bloody awesome sauce.
2012-05-13 12:33:03
Siren.Danita[Report] Score: 0
It was the best for a lot until Nahtirah Hat.
2013-08-16 22:12:00
Lakshmi.Latifah[Report] Score: -1
looks like warlock's chapeau got dethroned
2012-07-13 08:32:42
Valefor.Rancor[Report] Score: -8
Not a bad option for enfeebling spells atleast "/
2012-04-06 21:28:19
Bismarck.Luces Show Score: -21
This hat is a load of bull ***. DD's get atk +5% and we get magic acc +10 how the hell is that even close?
2012-03-30 08:41:25
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