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BLU Skill - Cornflower AUG +10 (15 total)
Aptus AUG +2 (Completely unecessary / hard to get augment)
Head (17), Body (24), Hands (10), Legs (23), Feet (12), Neck (10), Rings (16), Ears (10~12), Ammo (5), Back (15)
TOTAL = +144
MASTERED BLU skill = 460 + 16 (merits) = 476
476 + 144 = 620
When weapons can be used Strictly for skill, Dual weilding Iris (Path D) x 2 will result in +60 (30 each) more skill.
This will total you at 680.
Technically you can get +3 more skill using the Adoulin +1 ring (Renaye Ring +1).
When over a threshold, sub out to Incanter's Torque for 1% mp free (10 less skill), as well as Hachirin-No-Obi's 1%.
Magic Barrier is 1:1 skill.
Occultation is /50, so 600 is cap
Metallic Body/Diamondhide cap at 500 skill.
Drains/Aspirs directly modified by skill.
Restoral 2 skill = 1 HP
Unknown if Barrier Tusk is modified by skill.
input /equip neck "Mirage Stole +2"; input /equip ear1 "Aptus Earring"; input /equip head "Luh. Keffiyeh +3"; input /equip legs "Hashishin Tayt +1"; input /equip feet "Luhlaza Charuqs +3"; input /equip ear2 "Njordr Earring"; input /equip back "Cornflower Cape"; input /equip body "Assim. Jubbah +3"; input /equip hands "Rawhide Gloves"; input /equip ammo "Mavi Tathlum"; input /equip ring1 "Stikini Ring +1"; input /equip ring2 "Stikini Ring +1"; Gearswap Set
sets["BLU Skill"] = { ammo="Mavi Tathlum", head="Luh. Keffiyeh +3", neck="Mirage Stole +2", ear1="Aptus Earring", ear2="Njordr Earring", body="Assim. Jubbah +3", hands="Rawhide Gloves", ring1="Stikini Ring +1", ring2="Stikini Ring +1", back="Cornflower Cape", legs="Hashishin Tayt +1", feet="Luhlaza Charuqs +3" }
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