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Soul Jump (April 216) - Augments:
Brigantia= Dex +20 Acc/Att +20 stp +10 Valorous Greaves= DEX Acc/att and stp Acro gaunt= stp acc and crit hit dmg +
Since Mythic make all jump crit i focus on crit dmg +. If you have not mythic you should focus on acc/stp. Vishap Brais +1 is nice substitution of peltast. I focus a lot on acc but in low content you can switch combatant and kentarch with ganesha's Mala and windbuffet +1
input /equip ear1 "Telos Earring"; input /equip ring1 "Petrov Ring"; input /equip ring2 "Rajas Ring"; input /equip head "Sulevia's Mask +1"; input /equip main "Ryunohige"; input /equip waist "Kentarch Belt +1"; input /equip body "Pelt. Plackart +1"; input /equip back "Brigantia's Mantle"; input /equip ammo "Ginsen"; input /equip sub "Bloodrain Strap"; input /equip feet "Valorous Greaves"; input /equip hands "Acro Gauntlets"; input /equip legs "Pelt. Cuissots +1"; input /equip ear2 "Cessance Earring"; input /equip neck "Combatant's Torque"; Gearswap Set
sets["Soul Jump (April 216)"] = { main="Ryunohige", sub="Bloodrain Strap", ammo="Ginsen", head="Sulevia's Mask +1", neck="Combatant's Torque", ear1="Telos Earring", ear2="Cessance Earring", body="Pelt. Plackart +1", hands="Acro Gauntlets", ring1="Petrov Ring", ring2="Rajas Ring", back="Brigantia's Mantle", waist="Kentarch Belt +1", legs="Pelt. Cuissots +1", feet="Valorous Greaves" }
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