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Item Sets » id:336504
Geo ~ Geomancy - This equipment set is designed on being as best as possible. That being said, This excludes Idris, as many people do not have one. Aside from Geomancy equipment, everything else is conserve MP, OR Fast Cast.
Item Name AH Price Stock
Reti Pendant
Lifestream Cape
Magnetic Earring
Austerity Belt +1 4000000 2
Geo. Mitaines +1
Gifted Earring
Chanter's Shield
Bagua Tunic +1
Medium's Sabots
Bagua Pants +1
Azimuth Hood +1
Prolix Ring 3000000 5
Renaye Ring
Count: 15 (7000000 Gil)
input /equip neck "Reti Pendant";
input /equip back "Lifestream Cape";
input /equip ear1 "Magnetic Earring";
input /equip waist "Austerity Belt +1";
input /equip hands "Geo. Mitaines +1";
input /equip range "Dunna";
input /equip ear2 "Gifted Earring";
input /equip main "Solstice";
input /equip sub "Chanter's Shield";
input /equip body "Bagua Tunic +1";
input /equip feet "Medium's Sabots";
input /equip legs "Bagua Pants +1";
input /equip head "Azimuth Hood +1";
input /equip ring1 "Prolix Ring";
input /equip ring2 "Renaye Ring";
Gearswap Set
sets["Geo ~ Geomancy"] = {
    sub="Chanter's Shield",
    head="Azimuth Hood +1",
    neck="Reti Pendant",
    ear1="Magnetic Earring",
    ear2="Gifted Earring",
    body="Bagua Tunic +1",
    hands="Geo. Mitaines +1",
    ring1="Prolix Ring",
    ring2="Renaye Ring",
    back="Lifestream Cape",
    waist="Austerity Belt +1",
    legs="Bagua Pants +1",
    feet="Medium's Sabots"