RDM Enfeeb Merits

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RDM enfeeb merits
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-12-08 04:25:01
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So, I'm finally getting around to put some merits on RDM.

Kinda wonder what would be the first to merit (aside from convert recast).

what i mean is what gives the most between putting 1 merit on enfeebling, 1 merit on for example paralyze II, or 1 merit on Ice Magic Accuracy.

I'm not a hardcore RDM and will never be either, but lately I've been going RDM for ls events alot, and its really annoying when you get resisted on Slow II and Para II.

And no, I dont have a full swap set of gear for every spell I'm casting, simply dont have room for that.

So I wanna know where's the best place to start with merits while having just 1 balanced all-in-all RDM gear set.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: fullen
Posts: 134
By Garuda.Fullen 2009-12-08 05:03:29
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RDM isn't a job you can successfully play with just 1 gear set, I'm not saying you need every piece of gear for every action but a few key pieces go a long way, you'd get the biggest benefit from a couple relatively expensive AH items like HQ stave's, enfeebling torque (spider torque would do) and maybe pick up stuff like AFv2 hat later on, space for gear is always there if you find some crap to mule or drop. (if i have space then you do too, lol)

As for merits I'd say enfeebling skill would be the biggest benefit as it effects all enfeebling (slow, para, sleep, bind, gravity, etc), though i understand your reluctance to do these ones as SE have a limit of how many you can have so it could effect other jobs~

Group 1 is good for accuracy too for more specific spells, in your situation I'd got for Earth over ice as slow is more consistent than paralyze and you wouldn't be soloing enough to need bind accuracy.

Dia/Bio 3 aren't great at lvl 1, arguably a waste of merits if you aren't taking them higher.

Phalanx 2 is merits well spent, even lvl 1 has decent damage reduction over time for the mp cost.
Server: Ifrit
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By Ifrit.Darkanaseur 2009-12-08 05:19:04
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All three types of merits will affect different things. Ice accuracy I think is 3 acc per merit, will make you resist less on Ice spells like Bind/Paralyze/Blizzard. I went for that solely for the Binds since I like to solo. Regardless of which you merit it'll only affect those spells of that element.
I believe 1 skill is 1 accuracy so for enfeebling merits you're getting 2 macc per merit. Biggest advantage is it'll increase the accuracy of all spells, which is probably what you're after.
Meriting the tier two spells for accuracy isn't as efficient due to the higher merit cost, but they are better spells. The accuracy bonus from those merits is solely for that individual spell. Capping slow 2 won't increase slow 1 accuracy etc etc.

To answer your question i'd go for enfeebling merits, cheap and more variable.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-12-08 05:35:46
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Group 1

Convert recast is useful, personally I took it to 5/5, although it is only useful if you know you are going to be using convert faster than 10mins.

The other group 1 merits are 'pointless' for a casual RDM, as they are too spell specific.

Ice is generally the best for lowman/solo RDM (ice for bind and ice nukes)

Wind is also very good for lowman/solo RDM (wind for silence and gravity)

Earth is good for a RDM aiming to maximise their Slow II build.

Group 2

Dia III, should either be 1/5 or 5/5 imo. 1/5 makes it useful for zergs, merits, nyzul (non-boss), salvage (non-boss/non-NM). 5/5 makes it useful for everything.

Bio III should be either 0/5 or 5/5, 5/5 makes it very useful for soloing, if you don't plan to cap it then don't bother.

Slow II and Para II, personally I would suggest taking at least 1 of these to 4/5 or 5/5. Slow is predictable and consistent, para can save your life if you get a well timed proc.

I am going (not finished yet) 1/5 para II and 5/5 Slow II. I have a para II merit so that I can over-write Para I when the guy who cast it used a low MND build.

Phalanx II is very situation (salvage only really), so don't need to consider this.

Blind II lol...


I started by capping enfeebling merits, as it allowed me to be more confident in my enfeebles. Next I unlocked the T2 spells (para and slow II).

But if you aren't planning on doing more than 1-2 merits into enfeebling skill I would say don't bother. It isn't going to be enough to make any noticeable difference to you landing rate, you would be better off with some better spells.

But as Fullen said, RDM needs to have more than 1 gear set. At the very least you need to swap staves and rings.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Holyman
Posts: 122
By Ragnarok.Holyman 2009-12-08 05:40:14
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  1. Start by working on your magic skills first especially enfeebling magic 8/8 , as of any other mage or melee job ; magic/melee skills cat. > job specific Group 1 > Group 2 .

  2. Work on group 1 , whichever suit your RDM usage , I worked on Convert 5/5 first since I'm the type who likes to use convert as soon as it is up & spend the mp accordingly , some people tend to save it for emeregency , so it's all about your playing style .

  3. Ice magic accuracy 3/5 , Wind magic accuracy 2/5 .. If you're not going for convert I suggest you to go Ice 5/5 Wind 5/5 .
    But Why ?

    • Bind/Gravity are your best friends when you solo , especially bind , the better your ice m.acc is , the less chance you get resisted .

    • Paralyze I/II would make big use of the m.acc/skill you invested in , which gives you more freedom to use your equipments slots toward potency aka you can stack MND all over the place & less chance of getting resisted on HNMs.

    • Blizzard III or more genrally nuking wise as you know RDM has decent elemental magic skill but unfortunately it's not as good as BLMs or SCHs' skill , by meriting elemental magic skill + Ice M.acc you can have very high m.acc that's enough to make you nuke any mob that you wanna solo effeciently & gives you space to stack more MAB/INT to help your damage without worrying about resists .

    • Silence , you don't wanna get your silence resisted in dynamis while that stupid BST pet casting paralyga/breakga or some nasty spell , nuff said.

  4. For Group 2 It depends totally on your playing style & Only on that , you're the solo type ? Bio III 5/5 + Slow II 5/5 imo , you're more of support type Dia III + Phalanx II , you're more into enfeebling guy than support , Paralyze II + Slow II + Blind II ; Slow II in my opinion the most useful one , Phalanx II in some cases useful to lower extent , personally I went Slow II 5/5 Paralyze II 5/5 .
    So Why Slow II is the most useful one that can fit my playing style ?
    capped @39% Slow that can stack with elegy period .

    Paralyze II is not as good as Slow II imo , from my experience Paralyze I seems to have higher M.Acc to land than Paralyze II , but it takes more MND to get it as potent as Paralyze II , on the other hand Paralyze II is easily more potent than Paralyze I but weird enough it's less accurate , that's why I went paralyze II 5/5 .

  5. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR & HAVE MULTIPLE SETS PLZ before starting the whole meriting , believe me you want to play RDM effeciently ? then have the basic gear swaps for it at least , that would be of more impact on your job than meriting it imo .
    Enfeebling Skill/Macc build , Enfeebles Potency builds "MND build/INT build" , Nuking builds "elemental skill build ; MAB" , Idle build & kiting , Cure builds "-enmity ; +MND/potency ; Haste & Fast Cast" , Fast Cast/Haste/Conserve MP build for buffs "Utsu ; Refresh/Haste ; Protect/Shell" , Enhancing Skill + MND Build for "Stoneskin , Phalanx , Enspells buff" , Dark Magic build for /DRK , hMP etc..
    If you can't have least basics then work on making room before meriting .

Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-12-08 06:24:43
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ok thanks for responses.

ofcourse i have ele staffs lol.

But as I only really using RDM in limbus mostly as refresh/haste ***, or para/slow *** I dont really see the point of spending time/gil to try to get it all perfect.

hell i dont even like playing rdm, never planned to take it to 75 just happen to get there more or less.

I'm not looking to be able to solo Bune, or land 95% of my spells on every other HNM out there.

I'm wanting to get enough gear/merits to suit the purposes I'm using my RDM for:

* Limbus
* Missions (If no one else can come RDM)
* BCNM/KSNM (If no one else can come RDM)
* Meriting (If I absolutely have to, but ppl usually prefer I go BRD)
* LOLcampaign

What I'm not going to do with my RDM is:

* Salvage
* Soloing
* Nyzul

I have other jobs better geared/merited to do these kind of things.

The merits I curently have for RDM right now is:

* MP 8/8 (beeing Elvaan)
* Convert 5/5
* Dia III 1/5
* Slow II 1/5
* Paralyze II 1/5
* Phalanx II 1/5

So I'm not looking into how to make the perfect RDM, Just to be decent enough to do what I'm doing.
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Zykei
Posts: 35
By Alexander.Zykei 2009-12-08 06:32:04
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If you're not going all the way with RDM, I wouldn't put merits in paralyze2 because all you're gonna do is piss off the RDM in your LS who actually has a potent paralyze.

Phalanx2 might be worth it for you but even that requires you to have a decent Enhancing skill+ set.

Dia3 is worthwhile for you I suppose if you don't plan on having multiple sets; gives you something to do other than refresh/haste whoring.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-12-08 06:34:32
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Unless you have a specific use in mind for Phalanx II, I wouldn't bother with it.

Certainly before 3/5 it is pretty useless (really shines at 5/5, but that's a lot of merits to use on a situational spell).

You LOL @ our comments about staves, but I have seen a RDM try and bind Seriyu in full MP gear and a dark staff (while below max MP so he couldn't even say he was trying to hold high MP).
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: fullen
Posts: 134
By Garuda.Fullen 2009-12-08 06:40:20
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Kujata.Argettio said:
You LOL @ our comments about staves, but I have seen a RDM try and bind Seriyu in full MP gear and a dark staff (while below max MP so he couldn't even say he was trying to hold high MP).

i Know a JP RDM that wears sword/shield full time, he also full times dalmatica.....

Try not to cry guys :p
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-12-08 06:59:04
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The same RDM as mentioned above:

A while ago we fought Suzaku (clearing old sky pops), he cast slow and it stuck, so me moved on to casting para.

It got resisted
He cast it again as soon as the recast was ready
It got resisted
He cast it again as soon as the recast was ready

For the rest of the fight he only cast 1-2 hastes and refreshes, in between spamming para.

Same gear as above (MP + wrong staff).

I was on BLM for that fight.. banging my head against my desk (he out lotted me on w.legs).
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-12-08 07:05:54
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Suzaku drops W.Legs now? What'd I miss?
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Zykei
Posts: 35
By Alexander.Zykei 2009-12-08 07:06:31
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Garuda.Fullen said:
Kujata.Argettio said:
You LOL @ our comments about staves, but I have seen a RDM try and bind Seriyu in full MP gear and a dark staff (while below max MP so he couldn't even say he was trying to hold high MP).

i Know a JP RDM that wears sword/shield full time, he also full times dalmatica.....

Try not to cry guys :p
I know a WHM that casts repose with a Pluto's staff and complains why their sleeps won't stick >.>
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-12-08 07:15:25
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Garuda.Wooooodum said:
Suzaku drops W.Legs now? What'd I miss?

No he got the w.legs a few days before this suzaku.

Server: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Echion
Posts: 73
By Midgardsormr.Echion 2009-12-08 07:42:45
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As career rdm I would still suggest maxing out phalanx II even if your not gonna do much with it. It's very useful for KSNM ISNM BCNM ANNM SCNM Limbus, etc. Anywhere basically where you have 1 main tank. Even if your not going to be soloing, capping out Ice and wind magic acc is a must. Helps alot with sky/sea gods. if you want the basics just cap phalanx II, para II, Ice acc, wind acc, and enfeebling at lest 2-3 times. (for rdm that are not fulltime) Vert recast isnt really an issue, your a rdm >.> I dont think i could burn through full mp in 10 mins anyway O.o
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-12-08 07:53:21
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Midgardsormr.Echion said:
I dont think i could burn through full mp in 10 mins anyway O.o

You aren't trying hard enough then.

Limbus, einherjar and salvage are all areas where I can easily run out of MP. If I am not struggling to keep up the Haste/refresh rotation and debuffs on all the mobs then we aren't moving/pulling fast enough or you need more DD.

It can also happen in nyzul, but its rarer as we normally get at least 1 lamp floor when I get time to replenish MP.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 443
By Gilgamesh.Tallulah 2009-12-08 08:00:15
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If you are going to be a casual RDM I would suggest spreading around your merits evenly. If you use a lot of mp then merit convert and put a few into ice and wind acc. Otherwise I'd spread them around between wind/ice/earth. I have 4 ice, 4 wind, and 2 earth. I almost never get resisted (8/8 enfeeb). I'm a sleepga *** in dynamis, mainly. I still haven't capped my RDM merits in group two cause they are so expensive.
Anyway, if you're casual about rdm I would merit skill first. Then you can move on to RDM specific merits. Group two is up to you if you want to invest in them. I only have Slow2(3) and Para2(3). I can't speak for the other spells usefulness.
Argettio seems to be on the ball so her advice is sound as well.
Server: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Echion
Posts: 73
By Midgardsormr.Echion 2009-12-08 08:01:27
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Juz sayin O.o the way i gear myself i dont really worry much about MP. By the time refresh is up again ive pretty much recovered most of the mp spent on previous fresh, same with haste.

And your right i dont try to run out of MP, thats just nonsense lol.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-12-08 08:15:34
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Midgardsormr.Echion said:
Juz sayin O.o the way i gear myself i dont really worry much about MP. By the time refresh is up again ive pretty much recovered most of the mp spent on previous fresh, same with haste.

And your right i dont try to run out of MP, thats just nonsense lol.

I am not saying you should try to run out of MP, I am saying there is no point in sitting on MP when you could Dia/para/slow/grav the mob in front of you. Or haste the DD outside of your party or refresh the DRKs or anything is better than being lazy.

My MP normally to lasts ~9 mins in events where I am working hard, (with 3-4 people needing haste or refresh and a constant stream of mobs that need debuffing and some back up healing); so I some slack on my convert timer (8:20) but means I have maximised my contribution to the group.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: sk84fo0d
Posts: 11
By Odin.Stonedsophist 2009-12-08 08:30:35
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rdm is so uber! what you merit depends specifically on what you want to do. But first as for people saying slow is better than para... paralyze stops full attacks and spells. so thats pretty much win. also, with slow level 2 i have no problem sticking it on most anything. as for the rdm who said group one is a waste: lol... theyre spell specific yes, but spells overlap elements. ice is good for bind and paralyze, wind is good for silence gravity. those are pretty important spells in most situations. it also gives better macc for nukes. i would suggest capping enfeebling magic regardless. i capped that, mp, para II, ice n wind acc lvl 4 convert lvl 2. my other merits are phalanx2 lvl 1 slow II lvl 2 and ele skill lvl 6. i plan on dropping convert recast for full wind and ice, and capping off phalanx eventually.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-12-08 08:57:24
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Odin.Stonedsophist said:
as for the rdm who said group one is a waste: lol... theyre spell specific yes, but spells overlap elements.

I said they were a waste for a casual RDM that doesn't plan to put more than 10 merits into RDM.

Why waste a bunch of merits on ice accuracy when you would have been better off putting those merits into enfeebling skill which covers all elements?

We aren't talking about some one who plans to cap group 1 AND magic skills, we are talking about some one how plans to only use enough merits to do 1 or the other.

So spend them where you get the most advantage, and imo that isn't Group 1 elemental accuracy isn't the place to start.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Isiolia
Posts: 70
By Pandemonium.Isiolia 2009-12-08 09:05:39
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RDM merits are generally situational for what you use RDM for.

T1 is generally 5/5 Convert and 5/5 Ice these days. Wind had been popular (heck, I still have merits in it), but it makes less and less sense as time goes on. The logic is that Silence sticks relatively easily on anything it can stick on. Gravity will either stick relatively easily, or the mob will gain resistance to it making those merits a moot point.
Ice, however, helps you with your most accurate nuke (+10 elemental on Ice/Aquilo's), on Bind, and on Paralyze, possibly allowing you to squeeze more MND in rather than +skill or whatnot.

T2 is more situational. Slow II should be a given for most - even at level 1 it's better than Slow. Bio III, if you solo, but if you do it, you should take it all the way. Dia III is good for merit or quick fights/zergs. Para II is decent, but not must-have. Blind II is kind of pointless. Phalanx II is solid if you'd find reason to use it (tank party, Salvage, and so on). At level 5 it's pretty versatile - and at least adds a new trick to the job, versus simply making something else better.

Pushing Enfeebling merits allows for better MND builds for Para/Slow, and possibly better success with other spells (depends on the mob, they may be unnecessary). So those are good to pursue. Elemental if you nuke. Frankly though, those two are the most cross-compatible skills to merit up as several other jobs can make use of them.

HP/MP are racial, though most I think benefit more from the additional MP.

Anyway, there's no one way to merit the job. What would work well for DoT/kite soloing would be meh for HNM, which would in turn not be as great for merit-heavy play, and so on. Fill the needs you see when you play RDM.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Bonlack
Posts: 16
By Pandemonium.Bonlack 2009-12-08 09:21:50
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Capped enfeebling skill is a must for any rdm casual or career. This helps all jobs (whm,rdm,blm,sch) if you have those lvled so they go a long way. AT least a few merits into Ice Acc b/c i dont care what you doin on rdm at some point your gonna need to try and stick bind+ this will help blizz nukes as well. Wind is def beneficial but if your more of a healer then enfeebler then 5/5 convert is the way to go. I dont have any T2 merits in my rdm so i wont comment on those.
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Beaster
Posts: 29
By Diabolos.Beaster 2009-12-08 09:46:23
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How you should merit RDM depends on what you're doing and who you're doing it with. Some merits all RDMs should have regardless of race or role are 8/8 Enfeebling magic and 8/8 MP (As a naked Taru RDM with 8/8 MP merits, my HP is 871 and MP 854 as /blm, and the difference is larger with other subs.)

For group 1, I went with 5/5 ice and 5/5 wind, as I'm rarely the main healer at events, but 5/5 convert would be nice for the rare occasions that I am.

For group 2 it's a lot of personal preference, but I have never touched Blind II as I have heard it's worthless. Slow II is a very worth at least 1 point, and Para II is nice as well. You wouldn't be using Bio III since you said you won't be soloing, and you already have 1 in Dia III which is enough. I maxed out Phalanx II as I have a lot of high DEF tanks like PLD and BLU, where if you work with more NIN tanks the M.acc on slow and para 2 might be better (although with a nice -dmg% set on NIN Phalanx can be just as effective.)
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: fullen
Posts: 134
By Garuda.Fullen 2009-12-08 11:22:32
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Midgardsormr.Echion said:
Juz sayin O.o the way i gear myself i dont really worry much about MP. By the time refresh is up again i've pretty much recovered most of the mp spent on previous fresh, same with haste.

And your right i don't try to run out of MP, that's just nonsense lol.

This is very gear dependent, if like me you idle in refresh head/body giving 5 mp/tick basic refresh then the difference on consumption adds up to be huge.

OP doesn't have that option so convert merits would be more beneficial.

I do still run out of mp but it depends how much effort you wanna put in, personally i practice typing out spells for cross party cures, see if i can beat their healer (yeah, i'm sad, i'm over it).
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2009-12-08 11:51:43
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Convert 5/5 always! Convert is useful in almost any situation at all, allowing you to either survive more easily, increase the survivability of your party, increase the killspeed of your party or even output more damage situationally.

5/5 Ice or 5/5 Earth for second slot. 5/5 Earth may be beneficial if you are supportonry RDM since super potent Slow2 is a very good thing, and more RDMs specialise in Para than Slow, making you stand out. Wind is a bit outdated.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-12-08 12:07:45
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I don't use my RDM all too often, SCH does basically the same thing and I use that for almost everything, but why Convert 5/5? I've never been in a situation where I thought "Damn, no MP and Convert isn't up yet." I know how to manage my MP, and that's coming from someone with no native Refresh gear (Meaning no Duelist's Chapeau, Morrigan's Robe, Dalmatica, or any of that stuff), and even soloing those LV85 NMs in the Past, I never run out of MP faster than Convert recast is up.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: fullen
Posts: 134
By Garuda.Fullen 2009-12-08 12:25:02
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Siren.Enternius said:
I don't use my RDM all too often, SCH does basically the same thing

Stopped reading there, stick to SCH and don't give advice on RDM, lol
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Eriuddo
Posts: 98
By Remora.Eriuddo 2009-12-08 12:27:54
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First and foremost, speed. Full convert merits get you an additional 20% of your convert mp per 10 minutes, or in a typical scenario about 16-18 mp per minute over time. This is a free blizzard III every 7 minutes or so, which isn't huge, but when combined with refresh gear and good mp management, spamming nukes will cut your kill times significantly. If you can kill a NM faster, you can get on to the next thing faster. Realistically, there are very few NMs where you need to ride convert timer constantly without nuking, but there are even less where a well-equipped RDM will need additional wind/earth accuracy. Also, if you play SCH properly, you should have a vermy or ixion cloak for when sublimation is down.. use it on RDM for idle set :/
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 928
By Kujata.Argettio 2009-12-08 12:28:36
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Siren.Enternius said:
I don't use my RDM all too often, SCH does basically the same thing and I use that for almost everything, but why Convert 5/5? I've never been in a situation where I thought "Damn, no MP and Convert isn't up yet." I know how to manage my MP, and that's coming from someone with no native Refresh gear (Meaning no Duelist's Chapeau, Morrigan's Robe, Dalmatica, or any of that stuff), and even soloing those LV85 NMs in the Past, I never run out of MP faster than Convert recast is up.

Sorry, but by your own admition you don't play they job enough to comment..

MP = More stuff done, and there is always stuff to spend MP on and if there genuinely isn't then you shouldn't be at the event (at least not on RDM).
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2009-12-08 12:28:42
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If you're not running out of MP, use more! Nuke, haste/refresh more (if in a party setup), etc etc.

Anything but Ice and Earth merits are barely ever going to be actually useful anyway. 5/5 Convert lets you support much better and allows for much better solos if you're into that kind of thing (12 minute Zips, 20 minute Fausts etc ... yes I know faster is possible, but this is still while "safe" ~ not taking unnecessary risks).
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