WARNING AVOID THIS PLAYER: Mephistopheles is a thief. trying to Ninja lot a BLU Afv2 legs on his first run with a dynamis linkshell.
So today a guy joined my LS and did his first run with us. BLU AF legs dropped and a veteran of our shell was called to lot as the norm. Mephistopheles attempted to ninja-lot said AF drop and lost horribly. He was told to pass and was given a stern warning after he passed. At the End of the run he persisted to bring up the issue again, accusing the LS leaders of corruption for not allowing him to bid on the AF at the beginning of the run... except not realizing the fact that he had 0 points to use.
Just a warning about this guy, he fails to understand the basic concepts of how lotting works, and has proven himself to be a potential ninja-lotter. GL if you recruit him.