How do you feel about the update, fellow BSTs?
I feel it more of an attempt of SE to encourage new people to level up BST in party situations and not really an make BST a useful tool in end-game scenarios.
Amigo's sic attacks are powerful, but are indeed let done by his low acc/atk vs mobs. It didn't really matter on the duration of how long you have access to amigo either, since they will most likely take hate and die after 1k needles. Which makes him balanced, but not for the cost of the pet etc.
The only noteworthy item for BSTs out there is that CHR+3 back piece which does not really make or break the job.
I feel like they should extend the charge system to cover all pets, vs simply jugs, as they are VERY weak compared to local pets of the same level, elsewhere and only being able to survive 1/8th of the attacks a similar pet would be able to take at that level.
If not apply it to all pets, with the same charge abilities, then at least make the jugs act the way a DRG would i.e. a BST/SAM could call an offensive pet with storetp abilities.
Alongside this, the sheer cost for the new weapon sets do not look very accessible at all considering the cost and would be obviously better to spend the money on other jobs.
There are various other ways to enhance BST without breaking the job and I feel SE has done the very bare minimum for the job.
How do you feel?