I have heard that pups can solo avatar fights even with out Overdrive. I am just wanting to farm some rems tales so do not want to have to use overdrive everytime even if can't do higher level ones. Having to wait for overdrive each time just kills farming flow.
I tried normal and the enspell from Ramuh was hit the puppet for 500 dmg a hit and it didn't last long. I did use Mana Jammer IV and I was using setup I found in another post, using Valor head and Sharpshot frame, that said it was what they used to do avatars without OD. I saw some talk about using harley frame for more magical fights but they never said they actually tried it.
Is there a gear item that is a must have for soloing avatars w/o OD?
Could a few people plz post what setups they use, gear/attachments, for soloing avatars w/o OD?