Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said:
Siviard and I decided to tamper around with the 1st lua you linked. Its a pretty cool lua with all the nifty options it offer, but damn we could not get it to switch to enmity gear whenever siviard used those maneuvers that makes the puppet generate enmity (flash, strobe):/
I don't PUP enough to get hardcore about it, but I attempted something of this sort whenever I last played PUP. And instead of trying to get the lua to predict it, I made a line that says if the Auto is at 100% HP and in tank mode, to equip enmity gear. This can be changed to any value, like 95 or 97% or whatever. It's not amazing, but figure if the auto is sitting at full HP, tossing in some Heyoka or something is better than sitting in tank gear.
function job_customize_idle_set(idleSet)
if pet.isvalid and pet.status == 'Engaged' and sets.midcast.Pet then
local now = os.clock()
if state.PetWSGear.value and pet.tp and pet.tp > 999 then
if sets.midcast.Pet.PetWSGear and sets.midcast.Pet.PetWSGear[state.PetMode.value] then
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.midcast.Pet.PetWSGear[state.PetMode.value])
elseif sets.midcast.Pet.PetWSGear then
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.midcast.Pet.PetWSGear)
elseif sets.idle.Pet.Engaged[state.PetMode.value] then
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.idle.Pet.Engaged[state.PetMode.value])
elseif pet.hpp == 100 and state.IdleMode.Value == 'PetTank' then
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.midcast.Pet.PetEnmityGear)
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.idle.Pet.Engaged)
elseif mageJobs:contains(player.sub_job) then
if player.mpp < 51 and (state.IdleMode.value == 'Normal' or state.IdleMode.value:contains('Sphere')) then
if sets.latent_refresh then
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.latent_refresh)
return idleSet
I use Selindrile's luas, and that's the entire function I have for it, don't need the whole thing for what I described, but figuring out exactly which lines are needed is a bit much effort since I'm not very experiencing at code.
I'm considering 2100 JPing my PUP, so maybe I'll go play and make sure that function is working when I do it.