MultiPOL: Handle More Than 4 Pol Accounts

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MultiPOL: Handle more than 4 Pol accounts
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Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-02-21 22:34:29
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Just dumping this alpha release of my little tool

its a simple tool that can take a backup of your current POL accounts SETUP and save it in a profile ( up to 4) that you can restore again later.

This way you can easily have up to 16 accounts registered

Download it if you want to
feedback is welcome

Quick Guide:

- set up you 4 accounts in POL, and close POL
- Open Multipol and hit Save Profile 1
- Open up POL against and notice its empty
- set up 4 new accounts and close pol
- Open MultiPOL and hit save profile 2
Now you have saved 2 profiles with 4 accounts each

To start the game
- open MultiPOL
- hit Load profile 1
- load POL and log in to your first 4 characters
- hit load profile 2
- load pol and log in to you other 4 accounts

I am working on removing some of the click steps. buts its gonna take a bit of work.
its pretty fast after you have used it a couple of times

--- 2019/04/18 ---
New version now autodetects version of PlayOnline
Also at start will asked for location of the game/windows and autolaunch it when loading a profile.

--- 2019/0424 ---
Moved a copy of the quickguide to the OP
it appears the difference between save & load was confusing some people.
Next version will have a security check to prevent people from loading a non existing profile (empty).
Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-02-21 22:56:30
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Todo list:
- support more than NA version
- Maybe add support for 32bit windows (unsure of it works here as i only have 64bit)
- add support for QUICKLOGIN. That will log in your character with less menu interactions
Server: Bahamut
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user: ForteGSX
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By Bahamut.Yoroitsune 2019-02-21 22:57:29
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You sir are a scholar and a saint
Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-02-21 23:21:33
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Quivk Guide:

- set up you 4 accounts in POL, and close POL
- Open Multipol and hit Save Profile 1
- Open up POL against and notice its empty
- set up 4 new accounts and close pol
- Open MultiPOL and hit save profile 2

Now you have saved 2 profiels with 4 accounts each
to start the game

- open MultiPOL
- hit Load profile 1
- load POL and log in to your first 4 characters
- hit load profile 2
- load pol and log in to you other 4 accounts

I am working on removing some of the click steps. buts its gonna take a bit of work.
its pretty fast after you have used it a couple of times

This works with windower offcause
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-02-21 23:25:37
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Thats cool. Right now I just swap bins. Basically the same thing just clicking instead of drag and drop.

Just a word to anyone doing it, CREATE BACKUPS! if you accidentally leave a pol open with "file 1" and then swap and open a pol with "file 2" you corrupt the ***out if it lol.
Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-02-22 10:33:33
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hmm I might have to integrate a backup solution

so once you set up you profile you click the little backup icon and all the 4 profiles files are backed up

Thank you for the "suggestion"
Server: Asura
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user: Caliber
Posts: 2446
By Asura.Fondue 2019-02-22 10:35:24
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DaneBlood said: »
Todo list:
- support more than NA version
- Maybe add support for 32bit windows (unsure of it works here as i only have 64bit)
- add support for QUICKLOGIN. That will log in your character with less menu interactions

is this a standalone thing elsewhere?
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-22 10:59:53
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Not sure why you'd add 4 fixed buttons, it's just swapping out the same .bin everyone already uses. Should allow user to input names for each set of accounts for easy save/load. Still takes longer than using a bin/bat setup, though. Might be more helpful as a setup tool that generates a batch file, then user can just click batch file they want instead of having to open an app.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1544
By Asura.Vienner 2019-02-22 11:57:31
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Does this come with free bots?
Server: Asura
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user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2019-02-22 12:16:09
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Need to purchase Guildwork™ Premium® for that privilage.
Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-02-22 17:53:10
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
Not sure why you'd add 4 fixed buttons, it's just swapping out the same .bin everyone already uses. Should allow user to input names for each set of accounts for easy save/load. Still takes longer than using a bin/bat setup, though. Might be more helpful as a setup tool that generates a batch file, then user can just click batch file they want instead of having to open an app.

Customization of the backup of the login .bin might come later.
What im trying to move towards is making it to autologin the Character or at least take it to the password part

In er perfect would it would bypass the Entire pol interaction
Posts: 514
By Aerison 2019-02-22 18:28:43
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Isn't windower able to bypass this already or could? Maybe I'm thinking of something else.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-02-22 18:55:31
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You can bypass it manually, but a lot of people don't/didn't know how

This will show/help those people

And probably eventually streamline the process so that its faster than manually draging and dropping.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-22 20:53:12
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You can already streamline it faster than manually dragging and dropping.
copy "C:\Program Files (x86)\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\PlayOnlineViewer\usr\all\Melee.bin" "C:\Program Files (x86)\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\PlayOnlineViewer\usr\all\login_w.bin"

Drop this into a notepad file, save as Melee.bat (make sure it matches your path to playonline folder, edit Melee.bin to whatever your bin is named). Double click. New bin is in place and you can log in, as good as instant. Save it straight to your desktop or start menu if you want, right next to where windower/ashita is.
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
Posts: 1428
By Asura.Toralin 2019-02-22 20:58:39
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posted this 4 days ago and this wonky vb front end shows up. lol
Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-02-22 22:31:43
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Asura.Toralin said: »

posted this 4 days ago and this wonky vb front end shows up. lol

Not VB and was unaware of your batch script.
This came from a request in a discord channel.
Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-02-22 22:35:04
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Aerison said: »
Isn't windower able to bypass this already or could? Maybe I'm thinking of something else.

Bypassing the annoying pol login procedure or the 4 accunt limitation ?
Posts: 514
By Aerison 2019-02-22 23:52:44
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DaneBlood said: »
Aerison said: »
Isn't windower able to bypass this already or could? Maybe I'm thinking of something else.

Bypassing the annoying pol login procedure or the 4 accunt limitation ?
Login procedure
Server: Bahamut
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user: Smg1388
Posts: 39
By Bahamut.Ivebian 2019-02-22 23:58:49
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DaneBlood said: »
Asura.Toralin said: »

posted this 4 days ago and this wonky vb front end shows up. lol

Not VB and was unaware of your batch script.
This came from a request in a discord channel.
You were the person making that request on discord

is ther a way to have 1 polls installed so you gahave qucik acces to 8 accounts rather than just 4 ?

You were provided with the same script in that link and replied

Thank you Daniel thats awesome info i might make tool for ut myself but that batch file provide me with all the info i needed
Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-02-23 00:40:29
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Bahamut.Ivebian said: »
DaneBlood said: »
Asura.Toralin said: »

posted this 4 days ago and this wonky vb front end shows up. lol

Not VB and was unaware of your batch script.
This came from a request in a discord channel.
You were the person making that request on discord

is ther a way to have 1 polls installed so you gahave qucik acces to 8 accounts rather than just 4 ?

You were provided with the same script in that link and replied

Thank you Daniel thats awesome info i might make tool for ut myself but that batch file provide me with all the info i needed

Correct so not from the linked thread
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Caliber
Posts: 2446
By Asura.Fondue 2019-02-23 16:46:25
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Aerison said: »
DaneBlood said: »
Aerison said: »
Isn't windower able to bypass this already or could? Maybe I'm thinking of something else.

Bypassing the annoying pol login procedure or the 4 accunt limitation ?
Login procedure
wat how
Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-02-23 20:56:41
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Asura.Fondue said: »
Aerison said: »
DaneBlood said: »
Aerison said: »
Isn't windower able to bypass this already or could? Maybe I'm thinking of something else.

Bypassing the annoying pol login procedure or the 4 accunt limitation ?
Login procedure
wat how

Yeah i know a lot off ppl would enjoy to know this
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Caliber
Posts: 2446
By Asura.Fondue 2019-03-01 11:41:29
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How do I log in faster

Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-03-01 11:53:51
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4 accounts at once...please keep in mind this is for novelty purposes only...if a couple of people use it for botting mercing etc...I can't be held responsible.
Posts: 514
By Aerison 2019-03-01 13:09:28
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DaneBlood said: »
Asura.Fondue said: »
Aerison said: »
DaneBlood said: »
Aerison said: »
Isn't windower able to bypass this already or could? Maybe I'm thinking of something else.

Bypassing the annoying pol login procedure or the 4 accunt limitation ?
Login procedure
wat how

Yeah i know a lot off ppl would enjoy to know this
In case this wasnt't apparent I have no idea how to do this...

I read it on bluegartr.

I remember a while back someone said the Windower team at one point had the ability to bypass POL completely, but to prevent SE from turning into an exploding beehive. They decided to opt out of implementing the idea.

Any kosher to that, or just hearsay?
I believe you're talking about Project XI.

Just tried to find the link but it seems the site is broken (their forums seem to be the culprit).
Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-03-01 16:24:34
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Aerison said: »
DaneBlood said: »
Asura.Fondue said: »
Aerison said: »
DaneBlood said: »
Aerison said: »
Isn't windower able to bypass this already or could? Maybe I'm thinking of something else.

Bypassing the annoying pol login procedure or the 4 accunt limitation ?
Login procedure
wat how

Yeah i know a lot off ppl would enjoy to know this
In case this wasnt't apparent I have no idea how to do this...

I read it on bluegartr.

I remember a while back someone said the Windower team at one point had the ability to bypass POL completely, but to prevent SE from turning into an exploding beehive. They decided to opt out of implementing the idea.

Any kosher to that, or just hearsay?
I believe you're talking about Project XI.

Just tried to find the link but it seems the site is broken (their forums seem to be the culprit).

Just a quick look so bear with me
Im thinking they are using the macro way of logging in which is What I would be messing with as well.
simply automating the login ( not skipping it) for easier log in

anyway me work weekk has been horrid so ihave not had the time/mental state to work on it
Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-03-16 20:36:24
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This is the version for EU

I am working on making a unified version. but work has been rough
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [33 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 1188
By DaneBlood 2019-04-18 19:08:45
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New version now autodetects version of PlayOnline.
Also at start will asked for location of the game/windows and autolaunch it when loading a profile.
Posts: 16
By runelore 2019-04-19 01:06:19
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Hi buddy the above link requires premium access it seems, is there another link, or is the original link now updated? Thanks! Great work by the way :)
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2019-04-24 13:14:53
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I'll be the first to admit:
This completely deleted my 4 POL accounts. Luckily I had a backup but I attempted to use this tool before reading the thread. I am the example of what not to do.

I should have read through before using this and just setup a batch file on my own. It is nice that he created this but its much easier to do what CAMB stated. Create the batch and save it to desktop. Done.

Please add your fourth post to your OP so this doesn't happen to anyone else or add a readme.
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