LuaCore 2.2.0.x
Resolves the issue where clients could no longer communicate through IPC after terminating a process or an extended period of time.
Indirectly fixes a potential crash in the original IPC framework on exit to POL
Guildwork 1.4.4.x
The Guildwork plugin now sends data about your current mission progress to the guildwork client.
The database was updated to align with the most recent version of FFXI and data collection was re-enabled. This information is still currently collected through the Guildwork plugin, not FFXIDB as the name would seem to imply. Sorry for the continued confusion :)
With that out of the way: we're looking for feedback on IPC. It's designed to allow up to 100 simultaneous XI processes to communicate -- feel free to give that a try and let us know. We've done a reasonable amount of testing with repeated failures on our own time, but if you have issues, please explain as clearly as possible here, on our issue tracker, or on Discord.
In closing, there is a known issue with the game client where if you type /sea Status, you will crash FFXI. Feel free to get your friends to try.