To the Quetz Faithful - last night we made the decision to re-open Quietus and continue in it's standard of excellence.
I am looking for motivated players that wont to be good at their jobs and make lots of money while doing it. We will be running regular events and taking suggestions from members as well as doing Dynamis and Omen. Having been a major participant in Aeonics on this server already, eventually we will be aiming in that direction as well. That being said, we will need to build and maintain a team with proper jobs and precision teamwork before we can entertain the Aeonic build, but be aware that membership will actively be gearing towards it.
Good listening skills are a must, gear is not. We can fix your gear problem, we can't fix your listening problem. Preferably using Gearswap or AshitaCast or Equipsets(expertly). I am looking for a blm or two. I am also looking for people who don't mind playing support jobs or sharing the whm load with other people (no one will be dedicated whm unless they want to).
If you have been looking to get into endgame, or maybe just find a collective of solid players to crush content with in your off-time, send a tell(PM) to Chanceikin and I will review your "application" in person.
If you're an old member of Quietus, feel free to saddle up your pearl again, because we have a solid following after 1 day back and you're always welcome.